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MOWSF Includes Northern San Mateo County Seniors in its Home-Delivered Meals Program

MOWSF Includes Northern San Mateo County Seniors in its Home-Delivered Meals Program

After more than 50 years of serving home-delivered meals to homebound and housebound seniors exclusively in the City and County of San Francisco, Meals on Wheels San Francisco (MOWSF) has expanded its service region to include helping older adults living in Northern San Mateo County who are in need of nutritious meals and services that keep them healthy and living safely in their homes.

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Fueling the Future of our Community

Fueling the Future of our Community

March is National Nutrition Month and this year’s theme is Fueling the Future. At Meals on Wheels San Francisco we provide healthy and delicious meals to support our clients’ future health, as well as the health of our planet. Read on to find out how our...

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Recent Articles

Volunteer Profile: Adriano Hrvatin

Volunteer Profile: Adriano Hrvatin

Every quarter we profile a current volunteer to highlight the diversity of riches you bring to MOWSF volunteer programs.  We’re wrapping up 2022 by sharing a conversation we had last fall with Adriano Hrvatin, a volunteer in our Grocery Shopper Program. What do...

Fueling the Future of our Community

Fueling the Future of our Community

March is National Nutrition Month and this year’s theme is Fueling the Future. At Meals on Wheels San Francisco we provide healthy and delicious meals to support our clients’ future health, as well as the health of our planet. Read on to find out how our...

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